The Election


You knew it was coming: my rant about the United States presidential election tomorrow. So here it is! I hope it at least makes you take one final look at the candidates’ stances before you head out to the polls.

In my opinion (please keep that phrase in mind while reading this) there is no perfect candidate for the job of president. No one on the ballot has any military experience. President Obama has done poorly economically, but believes people should have their rights. Mitt Romney knows how to handle economics, but completely discounts the “47%” and refuses many people their basic rights. Gary Johnson wants to take away subsidies for agriculture and alternative energy but wants to keep the government out of issues it doesn’t belong in (aka people’s love lives). Unfortunately, I have not researched any other candidates running; I will not embarrass myself by making any claims regarding them.

The real problem is our political system, where we are told third party votes “don’t count” or are “wasted” and we must choose the “lesser of two evils” from either Democrat or Republican. It is a negative feedback loop where people are conned into voting for someone they don’t particularly like, complain about them for the next four years, then, come next election, do nothing about it, yet again. Voting is an honor and a responsibility that we need to take seriously and use wisely. We owe it to those who have fought for our rights to be informed and vote for who best agrees with what we believe.

So that’s what I think. Vote because you can. Be informed because you can. Don’t sacrifice you’re right to vote for who you want just because someone tells you they aren’t important or can’t win.

In other news, I have obtained a boyfriend! But fear not, I will still be posting my dark love poems. I’m working on some ideas for a new story; probably a progressive futuristic society (as opposed to the regressed one in Woodsong) about taboo love between humans and androids.

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